I think every family I meet, I fall in love with their kids a little. Or a lot. Getting to know them and their personalities is so much fun! These two little redheads definitely stole my heart. I had a wonderful time with big sister A, little brother H, and Mom and Dad.

My favorite way to start a lifestyle session is playtime. We all get to know each other a little and get comfortable, and I always look for moments of connection and interaction. The kids love these gear and marble toys, and Mr H was more than a little obsessed with the colored marbles–including when he dropped them and they went EVERYWHERE. Lifestyle photography is real life in action!


Next up, a game of Zingo–my own kids loved this game when they were younger so it holds a special place in my heart. Everyone had a great time playing, although Mr H still had a little bit of his mind on those marbles…


Making something in the kitchen is another frequent activity in my sessions. Muffins were on the menu that day. And tons of cuteness. Miss A was talking about how the muffins rise up SO BIG in the oven.


While the muffins were in the oven, I asked the kids to show me their rooms. Kids always love doing this! There was a lot more fun to be had upstairs, including some snuggling in a comfy chair in the new playroom Mom and Dad created over their garage. They will always remember reading books together, Miss A with her dolls and Mr H with his trucks.



After we played, the muffins were ready and it was time to eat! Kids have so much joy in the little moments. My job reminds me of that and I try to find my own joyful moments too.


We ended the session with something really fun–a bath! The kids were adorable playing with bath toys and bubbles. Bathtime is something special with kids who someday won’t be taking baths and playing with toys anymore, so capturing those memories was a treat.


What are your family’s special moments right now? Let me help you capture them as memories of a wonderful time in your life. I can’t wait to meet you and preserve these precious days that go by too quickly!

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