I loved working with this family. We had to reschedule a couple times, but I was so glad it finally worked out! They have a sweet home with this beautiful picture window where Mr. C likes to look outside, so it was the perfect spot to capture him at this age.


This window was a favorite too, with some beautiful afternoon light coming in.IMG_0558IMG_0664IMG_0692wm


I made sure to catch Mr. C (who is about 13 months here) playing with his toys and his mamas.

IMG_0514bwwmIMG_0575IMG_0576IMG_0604IMG_0627Then we went outside for some family shots on their porch and some more play time.


I love spending time with families and capturing their memories in their favorite parts of their homes. It’s like freezing a moment in time for them. I would love to do the same for you and your family! If you’re in the Boston vicinity please contact me to find out more or book a session. Just click the Contact tab to get started!

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